The Hub of all Hamlet Fans and Critics!

Hello and welcome to The Hamlet Haven! The name is quite self explanitory, if you're looking for the latest buzz on the young Prince of Denmark, then this blog definitely is the place to be! We will provide you with the most recent and juiciest news and gossip that Denmark has to offer! Fellow readers, we at The Hamlet Haven are very aware of how renown and honoured Hamlet is amongst Dance society, so we will strive to provide you with insider information about Hamlet taken directly from undercover journalists working inside the Castle of Denmark! Since the castle walls and corridors carry sound quite well, our journalists are able to obtain valuable information about Hamlet with ease, resulting in the latest news being delivered to the blog within minutes of the story actually occuring! By using these methods, The Hamlet Haven will provide our readers with info about every action that Hamlet does (or doesn't do)!

- The Hamlet Herald

Saturday, January 28

Two Faces

Hello readers, I hope all is well with you all, because it’s sure not that way for Hamlet! He has failed to show any signs of recovery from his father’s death, but maybe it has something to do with the fact his mother married her dead husband’s brother…but then again I could be wrong. There have been reports about Hamlet having very erratic behaviour in the castle. Additionally, Hamlet’s close friends; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, have been summoned by the King and Queen in an attempt to find out the cheer Hamlet out of his deranged state and/or find  the cause of it. On top of all this madness, Polonius suggested to “King” Claudius that a possible cause of Hamlet’s unpredictability could be because he is madly in love with Polonius daughter, Ophelia. That being said, Polonius and Claudius have arranged Ophelia to approach Hamlet alone and indirectly discuss whether the accusations are true or not, while they eavesdrop from a safe spot. Call me crazy, but I don’t think having his best friends and his possible love turning informant on him will help his situation in the slightest bit. Stay in check with the Hamlet Haven to see how this disaster unfolds!

- The Hamlet Herald

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