The Hub of all Hamlet Fans and Critics!

Hello and welcome to The Hamlet Haven! The name is quite self explanitory, if you're looking for the latest buzz on the young Prince of Denmark, then this blog definitely is the place to be! We will provide you with the most recent and juiciest news and gossip that Denmark has to offer! Fellow readers, we at The Hamlet Haven are very aware of how renown and honoured Hamlet is amongst Dance society, so we will strive to provide you with insider information about Hamlet taken directly from undercover journalists working inside the Castle of Denmark! Since the castle walls and corridors carry sound quite well, our journalists are able to obtain valuable information about Hamlet with ease, resulting in the latest news being delivered to the blog within minutes of the story actually occuring! By using these methods, The Hamlet Haven will provide our readers with info about every action that Hamlet does (or doesn't do)!

- The Hamlet Herald

Wednesday, February 29

All is not well in Denmark

Ophelia has gone mad, citizens of Denmark are disturbed and murmuring amongst themselves, Laertes has returned from France and is now teaming up with Claudius, and Hamlet has been abducted by pirates on his way to England. Pretty terrible I know, but it’s not as terrible as it could be. It turns out the pirates actually grew a liking to Hamlet and sent him back to Denmark, how ridiculously lucky! Despite that, there is still a price on Hamlet’s head. Laertes has obviously become outraged by his father’s death and is now allies with Claudius working for the same cause - to do away with Hamlet. What they are plotting together is yet unclear, but Hamlet should be very aware of what his thoughtless action have caused. Our reporters have overheard Laertes stating to Claudius that he would slit Hamlet throat in a church! That’s quite ironic considering Hamlet hesitated avenging his own father while the murderer was kneeling in prayer. As for Ophelia, her insanity is most likely primarily due to her father’s sudden death, but Hamlet is also another man that has recently been absent for her life which is definitely a contributing cause.

Check this picture out, it really puts Ophelia's insanity into perspective for those of you who still can't believe it!
Nice outfit, don't you think?

- The Hamlet Herald

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