The Hub of all Hamlet Fans and Critics!

Hello and welcome to The Hamlet Haven! The name is quite self explanitory, if you're looking for the latest buzz on the young Prince of Denmark, then this blog definitely is the place to be! We will provide you with the most recent and juiciest news and gossip that Denmark has to offer! Fellow readers, we at The Hamlet Haven are very aware of how renown and honoured Hamlet is amongst Dance society, so we will strive to provide you with insider information about Hamlet taken directly from undercover journalists working inside the Castle of Denmark! Since the castle walls and corridors carry sound quite well, our journalists are able to obtain valuable information about Hamlet with ease, resulting in the latest news being delivered to the blog within minutes of the story actually occuring! By using these methods, The Hamlet Haven will provide our readers with info about every action that Hamlet does (or doesn't do)!

- The Hamlet Herald

Monday, February 20

And Things Get Worse...

Hello everyone! As you may have remembered from my last post, I had mentioned that Hamlet was called to his mother’s chambers shortly after the play. After choosing to temporarily spare Claudius, Hamlet answered his mother’s call and head over to her chambers, promising to “speak daggers to her, but use none”.  Turns out, he stayed true to his word, but that doesn’t mean he left her unharmed. According to our reporters, Hamlet was restraining his mother to her bed, shoving a picture of her head husband in her face! She begged for him to stop, when suddenly Hamlet heard a movement behind the curtains. It was Polonius, eavesdropping for information to give to Claudius. Without ANY hesitation, Hamlet jumped towards the curtain and started thrusting his sword at the unseen Polonius, killing him. Wait, so Hamlet will put weeks of thought into the perfect way to kill Claudius, but if he senses movement behind a curtain he jumps in swinging his sword like a maniac?!  But that’s not all, shortly after Polonius dropped dead the ghost of King Hamlet appeared once again, but Gertrude couldn’t see it! She instantly was convinced that Hamlet is mad as he conversed with the ghost, as he tried to get her see the apparition of her dead husband. The event concluded with Hamlet telling his mother to tell no one what she has seen, and he began to drag Polonius’ lifeless body from the room.
 Here's a reporter's sketch of the event:

It truly bewilders me that Hamlet would use such aggression towards his own mother, yet he hasn’t even confronted Claudius yet! At this point, we know that Claudius is the murderer of his father, and the fact that Claudius stormed out of the theatre and faked prayer in front of Hamlet strongly support that. So why doesn’t Hamlet just cut Claudius’ head clean off and get on with his life? Or an even better question is: Why does Hamlet choose to unleash his anger on Polonius and his own mother? In Hamlet’s defense; if my father had been murdered by his brother, and his ghost was appearing to me telling me to commit a murder as revenge, I’d probably go a little crazy too! His mental instability has become so extreme that he has become completely unpredictable! Claudius is definitely aware of this, and he has arranged for Hamlet to sail to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. What awaits him there is yet to be seen, but knowing Claudius’ past actions, it can’t be good
- The Hamlet Herald

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