The Hub of all Hamlet Fans and Critics!

Hello and welcome to The Hamlet Haven! The name is quite self explanitory, if you're looking for the latest buzz on the young Prince of Denmark, then this blog definitely is the place to be! We will provide you with the most recent and juiciest news and gossip that Denmark has to offer! Fellow readers, we at The Hamlet Haven are very aware of how renown and honoured Hamlet is amongst Dance society, so we will strive to provide you with insider information about Hamlet taken directly from undercover journalists working inside the Castle of Denmark! Since the castle walls and corridors carry sound quite well, our journalists are able to obtain valuable information about Hamlet with ease, resulting in the latest news being delivered to the blog within minutes of the story actually occuring! By using these methods, The Hamlet Haven will provide our readers with info about every action that Hamlet does (or doesn't do)!

- The Hamlet Herald

Sunday, January 15

A Traitor Arises

Happy Blue Monday followers! Although today is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year, it is a good day in the world of gossip! As most of you are already aware, Hamlet has been mourning the recent death of his father King Hamlet, who had been allegedly been killed by a snake in the castle garden. Readers, I highly advise you to sit down if you aren't already because what I'm about to reveal is truly shocking! Word has arrived from our castle insiders that Hamlet's father ghost (yes, I said ghost) has been sighted roaming the castle grounds! But no, thats not nearly all, we have also received word that Hamlet is aware of this and has already confronted his father's ghost. We have obtained a short but vital part of the conversation between the two Hamlet's, and here it is:

"...but know, thou noble youth,
The serpent that did sting thy Fathers life,
Now wears his crown."

Regicide in Denmark! Who would have thought? To think that Claudius would murder his brother to steal his throne AND his wife is just pure ludacris! Despite the fact that this information contradicts the original story of King Hamlet's death, one component remains true to its word; King Hamlet was killed by a snake! Upon hearing this, Hamlet immediately sworn to avenge his father's death. Although believable, it will be quite interesting to see how this event unfolds, since Hamlet has always been a man of thoughts, and hardly ever one of action. Make sure to check The Hamlet Haven for updates to this story! Blog ya later!

Here is a sketch of the event drawn by our insider reporters in Hamlet`s castle! 
...Spooky, huh?
- The Hamlet Herald

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